Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Peter Paige is Everywhere...

Or so it seems...

Ever since I first saw him in person at the Outfest screening of his directorial debut Say Uncle, he's become my new Famke Janssen-esq stalker. He seemed nice and approachable that first night, but I suppose he had to be since he was hawking his film. We didn't talk to him however, because I came over all embarrassed and just didn't know what to say. The next day I saw him at the gym, I smiled, and he sneered back. Since then I've pretty much seen him every time I go to the gym (including when I went at primetime last week) and he just gives he dirty looks. He was even at The Factory on Saturday night signing some QAF cds or something (it was some QAF Babylon themed night) .

BTW, thank you WeHo Mark and co. for a fabulous first "big night out" in West Hollywood. Lots of shirtless boyz were danced with or ogled or both, and although I had to work at 8am the next morning, the pain all the next day was all well worth it.

It's now Tuesday, and so far no blues (though I did sniffle a bit when Ethel passed on Eastenders yesterday - but I really don't think that counts, it was very emotional!!!).


Anonymous said...

Wow Matt. Is that you in the photo shirtless?

Anonymous said...

Are you guys going out for the Labor Day festivities? Mayan or Avalon?

N2B said...

Oh, Mitch, Mitch, Mitch.... sadly no! The title of the picture was "perfect", I forget where I found it. But since Jason's Room has hot guys on every entry... Ithought I should do something similar here.

Anonymous said...

oh it was a "BIG" night out... fun fun fun!

Anonymous said...

You're very welcome, sweetie, and I'm glad that you survived work the next morning.

Anonymous said...

Corey Feldman once stalked me for what seemed like a year or so. Everywhere I went, there he was. Of course at the time, I was more famous than he. Hell, I'm still more famous than he is! The moral of the story: where else but in L.A. can you get celebs to stalk you?!?!

Anonymous said...

That's too bad about Peter Paige. He's from Charlotte, NC where I am from and I always rooted for him. I hope he's a nicer guy that he's letting on to be. Southern girls can be so bitchy sometimes!