Why can't people in this damn city park? Why must they leave 3-foot gaps between the car infront or behind them? Why don't they try pulling up to the end of the curb? Why do 3 cars take up a space obviously big enough for 5? The list of atrocities are endless.
The other night I was trying to park, it was after 10pm, I'd gone to pick up the pup, there were two or three open spaces when I left, when I came back... Nothing! A little bit down the street this guy had just taken one of the previously open spots... Naturally it was a spot big enough for two, but he had positioned his car right in the middle of the the space (and was actually still sitting in the car talking on the phone as I pulled up). Now I only have a Mini, it doesn't take up much room. So I pull up right behind him, pulled up as close to his car as possible, bringing the Mini to a stop, bumper to bumper. As I get out to see if I fit (I didn't) the guy jumps out of his car and accuses me of hitting him, that he felt "quite a bump." Bullshit! Back east we'd simply call this "bumper-to-bumper" parking and in a city like DC it's a necessity of life. I ignore him and nonchantly ask if he could pull forward. Thankfully he does, though he continues to grumble that I "hit" him. As I pull further forward I see him checking his (already dinged to hell) bumper! The guy was just a total jackass!
It's about time I went to the following website and got some of there stickers to plaster the cars round here:

Only I really wish it read "Yes, I'm a Fucking Selfish Parker!"
Maybe that is why so many people valet - sheer terror induced by bad parking! :-P
Welcome to LA Matt. The city where the average home has 3 cars for 2.5 persons. Or as my friend put it, the 405 freeway, America's largest parking lot during rush hour, which lasts from 3am to 9pm.
Ummm ... perhaps someone is suffering from a bit of 'roid rage. I'm just sayin' ...
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