That infamous British TV icon, "The Enemy of the Daleks" and (now) the last of the Timelords, Doctor Who!
Nine regenerations. Ten Doctors. Twenty-eight seasons! Doctor Who is the longest running Sci-Fi series in the history of television since first airing the day after JFK’s assassination in 1963 (take that Battlestar Galactica).
The series was a Saturday-teatime favourite when I was a kid, the type of nightmare inducing programme you peered at the screen from behind the sofa, marveling at the creepiness of the Cybermen, Ice Warriors, Yeti, Silurians, Sontarans, and those flying pepper pots, the Daleks! Suddenly in 1990 the series was put on hiatus. FOX tried to revive (and Americanize) it in 1996 to no avail. But then, in 2003 Russell T. Davies, the creator of the original Queer As Folk, came on board!
The new Who, with Christopher Eccleston in the title role, just finished it's Friday night run on The Sci-Fi Channel. Back "home" the BBC is showing brand new episodes of season 28 (or two, if you want), with the tenth Doctor, played by David Tennant. My favourite Doctor has always been the sixth Doctor, played by Colin Baker, in his most tortured and tormented incarnation as he was put on trial by the Timelords for crimes against Time.

According to the Sci Fi Wire, Doctor Who has averaged a 1.3 household rating and 1.5 million total viewers in its 9pm US timeslot, up a whopping 54% over the same period last year. For a show that US schedulers initially balked at for being way too cutesy and British, that ain't bad! Roll on season two!!!
I never really understood that show and as a child I was kindof scared by it...
Now that Battlestar Galactica... :-)
I first saw Dr. Who when I was 9. Since I lived in a small island (st. Croix) it only played on public tv saturday mornings. Of course, my introduction to herr Doktor was with Tom Baker. I cant wait to see the next season!!
Oh my God, Peri??? That fake accent slays me.
Was she the first companion you ever saw as a kid? I think everyone's first ends up being their favorite, hence mine being Sarah Jane.
I very vaguely remember Sarah Jane saying "goodbye" (with K-9 in tow), but I really grew up with Tegen, Nyssa and Adric (the 5th Doctor's companions). I think Peri's perkiness, the traumatic "death" (that wasn't), and her breasts just enthralled me!
Gay Doctor Who freaks? All of you??
BROTHERS! I thought I was the only one!
Fan from wayyyyyy back. I have letters and pics from Liz Sladen, Ian Marter (a month or two before his death), Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy (who, years later, I sold a tie to, while he was out shopping with his wife and kid on Christopher Street in NYC). Letters from JNT (before his death). Louise Jameson. Mary Tamm. Lalla Ward. This is why I had no dates in high school.
I was thrilled when RTD revived the series. He was voted the most hated man ever in Doctor Who fiction cos he had homos doin' it in a park in his novel 'Damaged Goods.' He freaked when, at a QAFII screening in SF, when asked what else he had done, I handed him a copy of the book. He said, "Where the fuck did you find this??!" It's now since been reprinted. Mine is signed. I am a geek. I love my Doctor. Have any of you seen season two? Sarah Jane made me cry.
Wow Diesel I didn't know you grew up on SCX... I think we need an intro post about you since those of us on the right coast haven't met you yet.
I went to SandCastle On the Beach a couple years back when I was in a low part of my life - it was awesome! So peaceful and quiet. I wish there was more on the Frederciksted side of the island. I def. want to go back.
Hi Tos. Yes, I was born and raised on St. Croix USVI! I lived there till I was 15 then my mom moved to this strange planet called LA.
I have been to Sandcastle!! What a small world. Im hoping to take Matt back to the island soon.
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