When I first decided to get a Pit, I did so having read about their exuberance, intelligence and loyalty. Not only did I want to be one of those "dads" helping to change the image of breed, but I wanted a real dog, not a rat on a lead!
Not knowing how dog friendly LA would be, I got Bentley back in DC when he was just 8 weeks old. The S-Street dog park was right across from our place on New Hampshire, and as soon as I could I started taking him to socialize with the other dogs and puppies. Consequently Bentley "loves puppies" and is probably one of the most social dogs I’ve ever met. As fellow Hart Park attendee Bruiser's dad once said, "If a dog has a issue around Bentley, then that dog has problems."

The only times I hold Bent back is when we pass pairs of dogs (one of the pair tends to be a bit protective), when we pass old Russians (their smell worries him), and when we pass French Bulldogs (with their "little dog complex" they can be quite aggressive, there’s even one on my street that attacks Bentley when we pass).

Stop reminding me that I want a dog soooooo much!
I've stepped to the side when you've past on the sidewalk, NOT because I'm afraid of Bentley, but out of respect to your hotness. ;-)
I hope you're familiar with the Dog Whisperer. Great advice on bringing up dogs right and making sure you're in control.
Tos - every man/boy should have a dog!
Matty - yes I've seen the Whisperer, Joe even got me his book
Jason - I'm blushing BUT you mean to say you walk passed without ever saying "Hullo"!!!
don't know if this blog is still around but this is TerriAnne Phillips from the LA Times story..first I was misrepresented...the best dog I ever owned was part pitbull which I told the reporter but she left that out..When I made a comment that aggressive dogs are not supposed to be in dog park I was referring to any aggressive dog..not a certain breed..and I do take care of pitbulls. The scar was from a pitbull but I have nothing against them and also believe they get a bad rap..This was such an eye opener to me on how what you say can be twisted to fit a story. Shame on the reporter!
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