The Amazing Race: All-Stars that is!
After 3 weeks in poll position, Ramber fell from grace, slipping behind Charla and Mirna as karma bit them in the ass (they lied to the little person and her whinny cousin attempting to lure them away from the cluebox) when they failed to find their self addressed letter at the post office at "The End of the World" on Isla Redonda, the southern most tip of South America.
Mikey and I were both hoping this would be a one of those non-elimination legs. But sadly no. No matter how many reality shows they've already been on, and how much dosh they've already won, say what you will about super-cocky Boston Rob and his Mrs., they were good TV and will be missed!
Be prepared for "Ramber" to appear on either the next season of "Dancing With The Stars" or a very special episode of "The Ghost Whisperer." Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if they replace Katie and co-anchor "The CBS Evening News."
I'm gonna miss Rob's bubble butt the most...
I loved Rob...just not on this race. He just seems to play so "dirty", but CBS knows what they're doing & threw them in this all-star show for the ratings, duh!
He's such a good looking guy (yes, nice booty), but he ruined the fantasy for me every time he spoke...seemed like he was missing a chromosome or 2.
Aaaaahhhhh! I've been away for a few weeks and have avoided any TAR news. My Tivo did NOT record two episodes so I've been... 'obtaining' them online. Then I decide to check out your blog for the first time in AGES!
Oh well. Can't stand Rob and Amber. At least I can watch and see what finally took out team Smug.
$24.99 for that Star Wars figure? GEEEZE! How do they stay in business.
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