Last year I all but dragged Mikey along with me. This time Joe was my willing accomplice. Last year Charisma Carpenter and Stephanie Romanov were the big draws (though I'm still kicking myself for not shelling out for Andy Hallett and Elizabeth Rohm's signed pix). This time it was artists Marc Silvestri and Humberto Ramos.
Thanks in no small part to the never-ending Marvel Civil War, the advent of Buffy: Season 8, and most importantly, Joe's own love of the art, my appreciation of comics has been rekindled over the last few months. Though I'm still really more of a collector/completest, Joe is a true and avid comicbook fan, so his excitement at meeting his favourite artist, Ramos, was infectious. Not only did Ramos sign a few comics, but he drew Joe a very very cool Venom sketch. We followed that with signings by British writer Paul Jenkins and Anita Blake penciller Brett Booth (sadly the line for Top Cow founder Silvestri was way too long).

Without the glitz and glamour that Hollywood lavishes on the San Diego Comic-Con, and with guests the like of Jerri Manthey, Tony Burton and Lou Ferrigno, the comicbook artists and writers far outshown the competition at Wizard World. As well they should!
I think you've got it wrong - last year I was a willing accomplice... but this year, being a bit wiser... you would've had to dragg me along. I mean...c'mon... do they serve alcohol at these things?
Meeting Ramos was indeed ubercool!! Yeah, geeking out was fun with you riding shot-gun, cant wait for Mega-Comic-Con in San Diego. Mikey, we'll drag you along and I'll buy you a long island iced tea! LOL
Note to self: Drink heavily before Mega-Comic-Con.
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