Thursday, June 21, 2007

Pride Parade 2007

The 2007 LA Gay Pride parade and festival, produced by those good Christopher Street West folks, was almost two weeks ago and I'm only now just getting round to blogging it - how busy I can I really be?

With just one day off work that weekend, I passed on the fesitval (to spend time with my boys and run some errands - though Mikey said it was a blast), but did go down to the parade (which pretty much runs at the bottom of the street anyway) taking Bentley along for an extended walk.

There's really no better way to show how proud one is than by watching scantily clad boys wiggle there stuff on top of fire engines, cheering for drag queens flaunting their fake tits on mutli-coloured floats, and grasping for an array of stickers, leaflets and deely-boppers from passing muscle boys and fag hags.

But I ask you where were the floats from Gold's, 24 Hour Fitness, Starbucks, Pavillions, the cast of Wicked, the majority of the bars, and all those other business and places that we gays frequent. Where was the support for the community that supports them?

Those kids from Disney were out bopping like there was no tomorrow (and it's where I'm going tomorrow); I actually tuned in to 98.7 the next morning for the first time since it dropped the Jamie, Jack & Stench morning show just because they had a float; and those wonderful Chipotle people handed out free burrito coupons, "homo estas?"

And as for muscle boys? Well, Micky's engine had some hotties; Svedka was well promoted; The Abbey, maybe sorta cute, but NO energy; none of the bears really did it for me, but at least the Midtowne Spa train blazed through with some decent performers (the best of which was on the opposite side there of the car, and can just be glimpsed in the pix). Oh, well!

1 comment:

TOS said...

Wow, you haven't been in DC for a long time... I can't believe it has been years since you left. Your Pride post reminded me! Maybe you were remembering the Results Gym float (used to be the only float!) from our lil pride...

Happy Pride Matt!