Friday, August 19, 2005

All Work and No Play...

I feel like this working business is seriously getting in the way of my blogging duties. I barely have time anymore to walk the dog and get a serious workout in (plus a little cardio), and I don't have to get there most days until 4pm.

While struggling to keep on my busy busy schedule today, I rushed my back shave, slicing off copious amounts of skin with my Gillette (which may be "the best a man can get", but really, who actually looks like those guys in the commercials? Oh that's right, certain boys at my gym! By the way Golds: Hollywood is much prettier during the day than at "primetime"). Yes, it's true, I do attempt to shave my own back. I get most of it, have a little trouble with the bit in the middle, but that's not much of a concern anyway. It's the top (below the neck) and lower areas I have to worry about. Maybe one day I'll laser it off. Maybe I'll grow more proud of my back hair like I did that on my chest. OK, so that's pushing it... the laser it will be... someday... maybe...

Today was "Lunch with Cary Day". So, it was off to Venice and The Firehouse for our weekly chit-chat over a great egg white omelet and some pancakes (don't get the buckwheat ones). Cue a picture of some hot guy:

Unfortunately the guy above, Mike, wasn't there (though I have seen him before). There was only one short pseudo hottie there (but he's no one I would be able to find a pic of).

To commiserate my not seeing any muscle boyz I made a quick, but successful, Toys 'R' Us run and then headed home to get primped for work.

And that's it. That's my day. No celeb sightings. Nothing above a B- at the restuarant. And I ate our version of an oreo (the Farmeo, think 5 times as big and much much more calorific), so I felt fat for most of the evening.

I think I need some TV!


Anonymous said...

Something about going from back shaving to Toys 'R' Us is wrong somehow...

sidenote: how are we supposed to make that damn backwards R in Toys R Us???

Anonymous said...

Apparently I need to check out this Firehouse place. You seem to see all sorts of hunky man meat there.

Anonymous said...

You shave your own back? Are you an octopus?! Cripes! I'd need a weed whacker and a 360-degree set of mirrors. I MUST learn your technique!