Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Roid Rage!

I think I mentioned that I got strep throat in my first week here, I had to go to the doctor, he gave me antibiotics, Brian thought I was playing up, I got the runs, etc. etc. Well, anyways, the doc wanted me to come back in to do some blood work, and today, I went in again for the results...

...and everything’s pretty much fine, I mean my DHEA is a touch low and my bad cholesterol is a tad high, but that could all be because my TESTOSTERONE count is at rock bottom lows!!! When he told me, I felt like he kicked me in the nuts - but that really wouldn't have made a difference would it? It's not like I'm shooting blanks or anything, but it could definitely explain why I've been getting tired more quickly and my sex drive has diminished over the past few months. He explained that low testosterone can lead to problems like osteoporosis, even Alzheimer’s, and of course, a reduction in lean muscle mass!!! Shock! Horror!

Unfortunately then, to combat this, he's prescribing me roids!!! Oh dear! How awful! Legal steroids. A tragedy! How will I cope? I'm gonna have my own little 6-week mini cycle with no PCT needed! I'll be hitting the weights hard I can tell you... I can't wait!!!

But in the meantime, straight after this, I went to the gym. And although I saw Lee Tergesen pumping some serious iron (Beecher in OZ - where's Chris Meloni when you need him?) I felt like I had this "Low Test" sign plastered all over my face and shirt. The big boyz could sense I wasn't "all man" and I was going to be dropped kicked out of Gold's: Hollywood by nancy-boy Adam.

Of course, that didn't happen. I did arms. Got a serious pump. Had my shake, and there you have it. It's the Dancing with the Stars finale tonight, so I'll "girl out" then. I'm still smarting over the fact that Rachel Hunter got eliminated early and unjustly!!!


Anonymous said...

How would you know if you're shooting blanks? Are you and Brian having difficulty trying to conceive? So you're a l'il guy pumped up w/ estrogen -- no need to go all Jose Conseco on us!!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't get too excited, steroids even prescribed by a doctor come with risks... the biggest one is what they can do to your heart - men who take steroids (legal or not) have increased incidences of heart attacks and increased bad cholesterol plus much high potential for liver cancer or disorder...

just take it easy on the weights and working out, all the increased muscle won't help if your heart explodes besides who will take care of your dolls?!

N2B said...

But if I die young(-ish) with big show muscles... who cares.

PS Bentley inherits all my 'dolls'!

Anonymous said...

Apparently tos is a physician in his spare time.

Anonymous said...

yes, i'm running a special on unlic'd medical advice this week :)

Anonymous said...

See what happens when you play with dolls, you LOSE YOUR TESTOSTERONE..........