Monday, September 19, 2005

Day 113

I worked out earlier today, a pretty heavy chest day (though I'm beginning to plateau again, and I need to start eating more "real" foods), but by this afternoon I was beginning to ache some. As the evening progressed the aches got worse and worse, my wrists, all up my arms, into my shoulders. Now, if you're gonna ache, you tend to the day or so after. So this was weird. Especially since it was in my arms and, well, it wasn't even an arm day.

And then it rains!!!

A nice, sudden downpour (I rarely watch the weather reports, so who knows if they forcast this), followed by some light intermittent showers.

I've been here now for well over 3 months, and this is the first time the skies have opened up. And, naturally, leading up to these first rains, my old bones start to moan and grumble at me about the change in weather and the coming downpour.

Yes, I'll always be a country boy at heart!


Anonymous said...

Don't do that to me! It rains in LA... occasionally.
Just you wait until it rains for 2 weeks straight and you'll be begging for that famous lack of weather to return. Though it is nice to be reminded that water does come out of the sky sometimes.

Anonymous said...

That is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. It rained here too and was weird bc I haven't seen rain in ages. I assume your friend with the speedo and umbrella was wearing the West Hollywood version of business casual? :)

Anonymous said...

I heard it rained there. Ellen did a funny bit about it on her show. It hasn't rained here in MONTHS! Eric keeps making fun of me b/c I kept bemoaning the fact that we need rain! He keeps asking me if I am "concerned about my crops and have I been farming soybeans or something on the side..."

Coming from the UK I'm sure that even 2 weeks of constant rain is nothing! Those Angelinos wouldn't know what to do with themselves. These are the same people who put on parkas and scarves when it drops to 55 degrees!