In my exhaustive internet travels I came across this...

The 2006 Rugby Guys calendar (and behind the scenes DVD).
These are not exactly the lads I recall from my days on the rugger field at Wellington School (though there was this one guy... Mark Scriven... all muscle, fantastic calves, probably my very first gay crush).

And all but one of these guys are gay! You gotta love that. Big, strapping, rugby playing, gay jocks!
Wow. I just ejaculated.
Now those are some HOTTIES!!!! Especially the 3 across the motorcycle in the middle!!! Who need those orange-veiny smurf when you can have natural rugger beef! :-)
Btw you are so English - very cute :-)
Just as an FYI, they're going to be at the Abbey autographing calendars on Saturday night. I might just have to go to see the beefy bald hairy daddy. Hubba.
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