On Tuesday night, after a dismal family-oriented edition CBS'
The Amazing Race is back at it's best!
With it's eleven teams of existing reltaionship couples - the Hippies, Frat Boys, Ken & Barbie, Glamazons and love-lorn Geeks amoung them - the Race's 9th season sprinted out of the starting gate, and off to São Paulo, Brazil, with aplomb!
But I do have a question for The Race's casting director (and, for that matter, all casting people on reality shows)...
Why must the gays be so f**king queer? I usually route for the homos, but not this time! John & Scott were worthless excuses for competitors. With their lisps, fear of flying and reliance on "genie" power, these "girls" so obviously couldn't cut the mustard they were eliminated by episode's end. Yes, they didn't even warrant a spoiler alert.

Let's think back: Bunky, Marcellas,
Survivor: Africa's Brandon, Will, Oswald & Danny, Lynn & Alex,
Apprentice 4's Clay... Why are we gays always portrayed as the sharp-tounged fashionistas with limp wrists. Even Race winners
Reichen & Chip (that season's sole "married couple" - a joke in itself, since Reichen jumped ship as soon as he found some fame) weren't exactly mountains of masculinity! Aren't there any hot, humerous, jock-like gay boys out there? Oh wait... there's Eric & Jeremy... well Jeremy, who's really hot, a total jock, and as gay as they come - he just hasn't admitted it to himself yet (and he's certainly in love with Eric)!
Hey, glad you enjoyed it 'cause it did quite poorly in the ratings. The show's about done.
I think the hot jock boyz in Weho won't do reality 'cause they know it's a career killer. One only has to bump into Reichen, who is usually cracked out of his mind and does nothing but crash media parties these days, to know where the reality show path leads.
On another topic, were you walking out of Starbucks at the Farmer's Market around lunch earlier this week?
I used to think Reichen was a total hottie - but being the non tv watcher I had no idea that he was just a-sissing and a sassing his way through his 15 minutes of queer fame...
actually chip was much better looking - more rugged and less prissy polished...
so are you ready for oscar night? i am sure the restaurant is going to be nuts!
Ok so Bunky is super gay...but he's a fucking riot. Jeff and I met him about a month ago at Faultline - not knowing who he is - and now we hang out with him at the bars from time to time. Really sweet guy and will keep you in stitiches the entire time...
I couldn't read your post until today, since I hadn't seen the episode and didn't want to read any spoilers...
I don't necessarily mind the swishy ones. I really liked Lynn and Alex, who I thought were funny and pretty fierce competitors, and I liked Reichen and Chip. But as much as I hated to see the new pair gay boys eliminated first this time, I couldn't wait to see them go. John irritated the piss out of me. I wanted to strangle John with that damn sweater he wore tossed over his shoulders. (It ain't 1983 any more, John.) I can't believe they actually put them on the show, because otherwise I think that the casting this time around is pretty good. I love the lovelorn geeks!
It was great to see you and Bentley yesterday!
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