I'm at the gym with Chris the other weekend, and it's one of those dreaded leg days. After squats and extensions I'm exhausted and extremly sweaty, though not too drained and dehydrated to spot a celeb, especially a celeb who's appeared on
two of my all time fav shows!
But was it really who I thought it was? She looked shorter, and much
much skinnier than I ever would have imagined.

Drusilla," I tell Chris, only to be stared back at blankly, "
Juliet Landau. From Buffy and Angel. One of the Big Bads in Season 2." More blank stares followed by a shrug and "So why don't you go speak to her." "Well, what if it's not? I'm only like 85% sure it is. What if I'm wrong, what would I say?" "If you don't I will!" And off he goes to do some lat raises.
So, there I am lifting and pondering, pondering and lifting... What should I say? Can that really be Dru? Do you think she'd sign
my 12" collectible?
"It is her!" "Huh?" "I asked her if she used to be on Buffy, she said yes, and I told her you were a big geek, er... fan... Just go say hullo!"
So, nibbling on my lip in a very un-vampiric sort of way, off I trundle to introduce myself, I have to now that I've been singled out as an uber-geek!

"Hi there, I just wanted to say how much I love your work" "You must be Matt, it's a pleasure to meet you." I'm now stumbling over my words, "Um! I thought you were great as Dru! I even just got that new
doll of you..." "The one of Dru as a vampire... You should bring it in, I'm here all the time, I'll sign it for you!" "Wow! Cool! That would be really great!"
Yes, uber-geek! I've even really considered taking my
collectible in to get it signed. Wouldn't I look super cool at
Gold's with a mint-in-package Vampire Dru tucked safely under my arm?
I'm just a little curious to see how you describe yourself in a forthcoming entry on your attendance to Wizard World!
A preview: Matt debating if he should pay to get all three "Angel" stars' autographs or just two. (Sadly, he just got two, and even then failed to get Chris Kane to sign his "Idaho Guy.")
If you get this excited over a "D" lister like Dru imagine what will happen when you finally meet Mike Ergas. You will literally burst into flames.
Squats are the best! I look forward to doing legs - maybe it is b/c it is my strongest muscle (well 2nd strongest :-P)
Boo and I went to a store in Boystown on Halsted St that you would have died in... nothing but dolls as far as the eye could see. It was called "Gay-mart" (no joke) - you should go visit! :-)
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