Thursday, August 09, 2007

Big Brother: Jew Bashing Amber

What a surprise, good little god-fearing Christan girl Amber from Las Vegas, NV is a bigot.

And you wonder why I despise organized religion!

In other news America's Player Eric has found himself on the chopping block. After being instrumental in ousting of the delicious Nick last week, Eric was rumbled by Daniele after one of those airplane banner flybys (which stated that both Eric and Amber were liars).

Now this whole America's Player "twist" thing doesn't bother me so much, but Eric and those goddamn life-of-their-own eyebrows do! Does he have to make those goofey wide-eyed arched-brow expressions every time he reads one of the producers' Player messages? And then last week when he tired to compare himself to Nick, even going so far as to having the girls give him a faux-hawk, well that was the final straw. Time to say bu-bye Eric!


Anonymous said...

"...wonder why I despise organized religion!"

Reminder: Judaism is an organized religion.

N2B said...

Anyone who follows any particular organised faith (Jew, Christian, Islam, etc.) is not really "fond" of followers from any other sect. It doesn't matter who's bashing who, if you're a follower of "GOD" shouldn't you love everyone!!!!

I was brought up NOTHING. No higher being controls/sways/influences my morels, feelings or thoughts.

Anonymous said...

"It doesn't matter who's bashing who, if you're a follower of "GOD" shouldn't you love everyone!!!!"

Agreed. So, your issue isn't with "religion" then, right? It's with hypocrisy (saying you believe one thing, but then acting the opposite).

However, I think we need to take care with ONLY associating hypocrisy with people who happen identify with a particular religious affiliation.

Just as I've met some horrible religious people AND some wonderfully accepting religious people, I've also met some amazingly loving atheists (whom I'm proud to call close friends) as well as some intolerant, unloving atheists.

Can't we a least agree that neither religion nor atheism GUARENTEES that person is good or bad?

Anonymous said...

In more important news, who do you think has a better chance for a comeback -- Britney or Lindsey?

N2B said...

"neither religion nor atheism GUARENTEES that person is good or bad"

Absolutely, though many "religious" people seem to believe that following GOD gratns them goodness, giving them the self-perceived moral high ground over others!

Yes, my issue isn't with "religion" per se, but rather it's followers (and their constant hypocrisy).

Anonymous said...

" issue isn't with "religion" per se, but rather it's followers..."

I'm assuming you mean "SOME of it's followers", right? You're not be critical of Mother Theresa or Martin Luther King Jr. or Gaundi, right?

And I agree with you that SOME people distort religion to justify oppression, intolerance, etc.

However, I do have a problem with (and please know that I'm NOT describing YOU here) people who actually beleive that atheism makes THEM morally and intellectually superior to people who believe in God,... that since they don't belong to one of those "oppressive, intolerant, hypocritical religions", they are free from being oppressive, intolerant, and hyporitical. They consider themselves superior to someone who happens to belong to a particular religious faith,... in essence, being just as intolerant & judgemental as those "religious people" they dislike.

Again, I don't think (based on your past writings) that you're this way in the least.---I just didn't want someone to misinterpret your post that way.

N2B said...

"SOME of it's followers" - yes I stand corrected there.

"Atheism makes THEM morally and intellectually superior"

I have to admit to knowing few, if any athesists. However I would guess that US athesists have become so to BREAK AWAY from the traditional organized religions, and probably DO feel superior having gained freedom from the "opression" of faith (but at least they only have themselves to answer to).

I was brought up with no religion. I have no "organized faith" that I'm running from. No "faith" has ever "clouded" my judgement or morals. I wouldn't even consider myself athesist, I am truly nothing... and maybe that sounds superior, but that is where I can coming from... and I think few people, especially in this country and truly say that.