Thursday, August 16, 2007

Big Brother Update: Week Whatever-It-Is

A hottieless house is not necessary a boring house, as the last couple of weeks of BB8 is proving. If anything Nick's ousting has helped the season, lighting the fire in Danielle and encouraging Dick to reluctantly make peace with Jen and (now gone) Kail.

Let's first talk Evil Dick, the voice of reason this season? Love him or hate (and I love him), he says what he thinks, is not afraid to confront people, point out their hypocrisies and tell it like it is. Maybe not the best way to play the game, but Dick is doing what he needs to to get Danielle to the end. Pissing off the other houseguests seems his way of making up for lost time and trying to be a good dad. A prime example being this outburst towards Amber (and Jameka) before the veto competition:

"You are one ugly bitch. On the life of your daughter I am going to make you so miserable every f***ing day that you regret ever seeing me. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Let's pray! You save her Jameka, even though you don't know how to save yourself. Help me Jesus! Help me Lord! Give me that magic ping-pong ball this morning!"
Oh Dustin, how I grow to hate reality TV homos! I begin each show hoping beyond hope that I am going to be able to identify with, and support to the end, the resident homo. This season ex-boyfriend Joe was flamingly obnoxious (so dispatched quickly), then Dustin became comfortable, started solidifying his role as leader of the LNC, and became as sanctimonious, annoying and preachingly precious as the God-fearing rest of them.

Dustin I ask you, which is a more "professional" career, a shoe salesman vs. bartender? Oh Princess!

In other news the blogs and forums are bubbling about rumours that producers of the show manipulate those Diary Room confessions (come on wasn't that obvious, last season Mike Boogie's explanations of each veto or HOH game were just so damn scripted), as well as the cast's incessant bigotry, which has supposedly reached an all time high. This has lead one very clever MySpacer to create the following very cool BB8 Prejudice map:


Anonymous said...

Not only is the BB8 House divided, but so is 1427 N Laurel! I fucking hate Dick and rather like Dustin.

I think Eric put it correctly. I don't like Danielle because she isn't offended by the BS that Evil Dick spews every day. I get pissing people on purpose as strategy; but doens't mean we need to tolerage it.

The bias diagram is great!

ProudJock Matt said...

Hey LA Matt, It's NYC Matt (the blogger previously known as DC Matt). So - any final 4/3/2 and winner predictions? This is where I see it.

Jen goes home this week. Amber does not win HOH, but whomever does puts up Eric and Jessica. Don't want to go to far out - but my finals:

Danielle - with Dani taking it all.