That was Matt’s immediate response this morning after Katie Couric officially
and finally announced that she would be leaving NBC’s The Today Show after 15 years as co-host as she would be moving on to the
CBS Evening News, as the first solo woman anchor, and
60 Minutes. The crew burst into laughter, as they do after so many of Matt’s jokes. I myself also chuckled, all the while fighting back the tears of this sad news (OK not really, I’m exaggerating a tad).

Katie’s “passing” is however the end of an era. Like many others, I have not known an America without Katie, and though of late her cutesy perkiness has dwindled, replaced by some strange staunch conservatism, ultimately I will miss that twinkle in her eyes every morning (yes, my attempts to switch channels in the morning, as I said I would, have not exactly been successful.).

But now comes the most interesting part of Katie's decision however. Who will NBC get as her replacement? Will CNN's
Soledad O'Brien, one-time host of Weekend Today, be lured back by the Peacock? Will
Ann finally get a permanent seat next to Matt? Will the wonderfully appealing, classy, sexy and funny
Campbell Brown be rightfuly given the top spot (yes, she's my choice)? Just one thing NBC, don’t let the rumors be true, please don't choose The View's
Meredith Vieira!!!
You...are...a...FREAK! ;-)
I was up at my usual 5am and read about it on the wires, so I tuned it at 7:20 or so to watch. I have to admit I did tear up a bit. It was clearly a very emotional moment for her.
I used to work in broadcast news before I moved over to what I do now at CBS. I have a great deal of reverence, as many people in TV do, for the Today show and she was the best. I think CBS is making a mistake putting her on the Evening News, but she would be a fool not to take it.
Looks like you're going to have a disappointing morning. The breaking news when I logged on this morning was the Meredith was chosen to take Katie's place. But, really she was the obvious choice...she already has a built in fan base that is line with Today's target demographic.
Yep. It's Viera. What a disaster. Both networks are making real mistakes.
NBC has chosen the past, instead of moving forward with Campbell Brown and CBS has chosen a new anchor that won't bring one single new viewer to the CBS Evening News and will alienate it's viewership at a time when it's within 500,00 viewers of passing ABC for the first time in 20 years.
GMA will be in first within a year and Couric, who wisely also got a slot on 60 Minutes will be off the evening news within 2 years.
Mitch... you're absolutely right!!! Meredith is just to old and will not help revitalise the show like it needs! Plus, isn't it fundamentally a NEWS show? What is Meredith's background? News or, as it seems to be, fluffy entertainment!
You're all wrong. Katie WILL bring new viewers to the 3rd place CBS Evening News. Meredith will do a solid job replacing Rebecca from Sunnybrook Farms; she has won several Emmys for her previous work with "60 Minutes". However, I do think "Todays" ratings will slip a bit. Expect to see "GMA" move into 1st place in morning television w/in 18 months.
Ok I still give Katie props for getting a colonoscopy on TV to show people how un-scary it is... that was pretty vanguard and brave...
but let's get one thing straight here - the Today show is NOT about news. It is a fluffy morning show with delusions of newworthiness. Cheap schmaltz is first, news is second... I mean they have a horrible record on being balances on gay issues and they let Tom Cruise shoot his mouth off on a regular basis...
When I want news I don't watch TV anymore (save local news of course) leave the funny stuff to Regis & Kelly - now that's funny! :-)
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