And Kaysar in particular! Truly, what was he thinking? Trying to get rid of “the floaters” thereby letting “Chilltown” slide for another week. OK, so Nakomis was the mastermind behind the 6-Finger Plan – which ousted Jase in Season 5 – but come on, with Erika winning the veto, this was the perfect opportunity to kick the Evil Dr. Will where it hurts, taking out of play snotty sidekick Mike Boogie, thus breaking up the one truly strong alliance in the house (yes “S6” ain’t so invincible, trust me). Instead Kaysar took the lily-livered pansy-boy way out by trying to save his own skin for a week or two longer.
At this point I’m rooting for Marcellas, the one voice of reason so far this season.
Will I be this delusional once I get in the Big Brother house?
Kaysar is all bark, no fatwah.
He ran around before nominations bragging that his only goal was to "shake up the house/game", and this was his big plan? Lame, pussy move.
And that fucking self-satisfied smug smile on his face when Erika decided not to use the veto...barf.
I didn't hate him this much last year.
It's like you people are speaking a foreign language...
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