Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Six Fingered Again?

To be backdoored once is unfortunate, but to be backdoored twice, well that's just plain sad.

And no, we're not talking about freaky sex acts.

But it looks like it’s happening again to poor Jase, the broad shouldered, Brad Pitt loving, former Four Horseman with the perfectly coiffed dirty blond locks from Big Brother’s 5th Season. Maybe his hissyfit wasn’t the best response, but I can sympathize. You want to play the game, not be played by the game! And certainly not the second time around!

But James, I ask you this: Is Chicken George really that big a threat (and yes I dislike him as much as you do)? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you should stick ‘em where it hurts! Take out the Big Bad’s (Dr. Will) stooge (Boogie), and then the good doctor is really gonna hate being in the house!

And finally you CBS All-Star producers, here’s one for you: Why not mix up this whole veto thing? Sporadically bring back the old Silver Veto (the winner of which can’t use it on themselves, even if they’re on the block), and better yet, introduce a new Platinum Veto™ (instead of the HOH choosing a new nominee, let the veto winner have that honor). And don't let the houseguests know hat type of veto it is until the game has been played. Now wouldn't that make the game more interesting?


Anonymous said...

Now wait I thought you liked being...

Nevermind :-P

(sorry I had to - you opened yourself up for that one - oh wait, no pun intended hee hee... you know if I didn't say it Dbud would have!)


N2B said...


(But we're talking about serious reality programming here)

Anonymous said...

Ah yes - please excuse my 5th grade fisting humour... :-P