Remember Dennis (pictured left)? And his suggestion that we go to The MisMatch Game. Well, we went! It was actually the same night that we went to iCandy and saw Rusty Joiner (And I blogged about that first??? That shows where my priorities lay doesn't it?).
Managing to get a Friday night off of work (a triumph in itself), off we went in the Mini to the Gay and Lesbian Center's Renberg Theatre somewhere in Hollywood (this is just the kind of space they are hoping to develop back in DC, but you know with all the politicking and egos involved there they'll just "f" it up).
The night was a blast, though I should have blogged it earlier, I've forgotten all of the good punchlines, and never did by a souvenir response card to jog my memory.
My one big disappointment, where was original Match Game stalwart Brett Somers? Thankfully pipe-smoking Charles Nelson Reilly (played by Kathy Griffin's other "Main Gay", Tony Tripoli, who's always at the gym with Trainer Bobby), along with Miss Piggy and Nancy Kulp (Ms. Hathaway from The Beverly Hillbillies ... yeah, that took me a while as well) soon made me forgive Brett's absence. Evie Harris (who she?) was sufficiently cheap and dirty, and while Ricardo Montalban tried hard (but still failed), Shelley Winters really had no right being there (Oscars or not).
As full of double entendres as the original Match Game and Blankty Blank (the British version which I grew up with) were, this MisMatch game was certainly not suitable for family viewing. It started a little slow (the first contestants didn't realise their answers were supposed to be peppered with topical, gay, sexually graphic innuendos), but picked up quickly, and then there was no stopping the celebrity panelists as the smut came thick and fast (especially from the pig).
Hilarity ensued and a friend of WeHo Mark’s got picked as a contestant, and even got into the finals. The boys told me they’d put my name into the mix to get me up there, so I could meet Dennis. (Un)fortunately I wasn’t picked, but I would have given some damn good answers I can tell you!
So, I didn't get to meet Dennis. When they were selling the response cards after the show there was such a glut of gay boyz, it was just too much and I thought I'd just look like a ninny introducing myself as "I'm Matt in LA and I write the Misadventures blog."
Oh well, so much for getting invited to Kathy's Toy for Tots holiday party this year!
Why don't you report back to us when you're on something really fun .... like Password. You are the spitting image of Betty White.
I would love to be invited for the Toys for Tots party too!! But I would settle for anywhere Mr. Joiner will be!!
*Photos courtesy of Craig Lynam, (a fellow Brit I might add...)
I want to be invite to the Toys for TOS party... :-P
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